Monday, February 26, 2007

DLTA Lesson "Missed Kiss"

"The Kiss That Missed" by David Melling
Other materials and resources:
Jar of marbles or gum balls to review what a prediction is.

Instructional Delivery:
Prior knowledge and rules for discussion: (5 minutes)
Discuss how they made predictions in the past and go over what a prediction is.
Set ground rules for the discussion.
Tell students "I want you to listen carefully to the story because I will stop in the middle of the story and I want you to tell me what will happen next."
No talking out of turn, raise your hand to make a prediction, and do not interrupt another student.
Introduction: (Background & Real life experiences)
Introduce the story before beginning to read.
Show students the cover of the book.
Read the title of the book.
Relate to real life experiences: Ask "Have you ever been kissed by your mom or dad and they missed?"
"Have you ever ridden a horse?"
"Have you ever seen a horse?"
Set the purpose before reading the story by asking the following questions.
"What do you think a story with a title like this might be about?"
"By looking at the pictures, who are the characters in the story?"
"Can you predict what the knight on the horse will do in the story?"
"What do you think will happen in the story?"
"Does the picture on the front cover give us a clue to what might take place?"
"What is the horse doing in this picture, can you tell?"
"Why do you think this?"
Show a few more pages of the book and ask more questions.
Write students responses on large paper notebook.

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