Monday, February 26, 2007

KWL Literary Skills Lesson "Let's Take a Tour of Texas" Pre-K/Kindergarten

Tumbleweed Tom on the Texas Trail By (author): Jackie Hopkins Illus by: Kay Salem

Other materials and resources:
White or Blue construction paper (large)
Colored crayons
Markers, Pencils

Instructional Delivery:
Prior Knowledge (5 minutes)
· I will begin by asking the students questions in order to access their prior knowledge about Texas.
· I will start by asking the students to raise their hands if they have ever traveled through Texas.
· I will ask how the student traveled. (Air, Land, or Water) Together we will complete the K on our chart of what we know about Texas.
· Then I will ask the students what they do not know but would like to know about Texas. At that point we will fill in the W on our chart paper.

Read Story (10 minutes)
· I begin the lesson by reading Tumbleweed Tom on the Texas Trail.
· This is a story which takes the reader on a tour through Texas.
· As we take our journey through Texas we will discuss the differences in the cities, crops, and landmarks.
· I will stop and ask the students how Tom is traveling through Texas. (Land Vehicle)
Large group activity (10 minutes)
· We will identify the state capital, state flower, state flag, state bird, state tree, and presidents who lived in Texas.
· I will have small posters of each and elaborate on their significance.
1. Compare and contrast the differences between the Texas flag and the American flag? (Analysis)
2. What is the name of the capitol of Texas? (Knowledge)
3. What is the significance in the colors in the Texas flag? What do the colors mean to us? (Analysis)
4. Which of the following do you think is the Texas state flower? (Comprehension)
5. What is the nickname for the state of Texas? (Knowledge)
6. When you grow up will you live in Texas? If so, why? If not, why? (Analysis)
7. Explain why you think that celebrating Texas birthday is appropriate? (Evaluation)
8. What are the common characteristics of the mockingbird? (Comprehension)
9. If you were Tumbleweed Tom and could take a tour of Texas, where would you go and HOW would you get there? (Comprehension) (What type of vehicle?)
10. If you were to design a poster that advertises Texas, what kind of things could you draw about Texas to attract tourists to visit our state? (Evaluation)
· After asking the students questions we can complete our KWL chart and fill in the "L" of what we have learned today about travel and Texas.
Art activity (10 minutes)
· Students will each choose a partner and pretend to be tourists.
· The students will design a poster of where they would like to visit in Texas and what vehicle they would use to get there.
Closure (5 minutes)
· I will observe what they have learned by walking around the room and helping them with ideas about what they might put on their poster.
· Once students are finished they can hang the final product up on the wall and discuss where they chose to visit and what vehicle they would use to get there.
· When we have finished we will review what we have learned and tie all together.

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